Click on each course above for more information

Each course helps you with one specific part of your language journey

Icons & text

  • Language Skills

    You are your best resource for learning a language. Teachers and classes help, but what do you do when they are not around? We help you so you can always be learning.

  • IELTS Skills

    Passing IELTS is a reality for a lot of people. We teach you strategies to help you to not only increase your score but to help you improve your language. After all, IELTS only measures where you are. What about where you want to be?

  • Transferable Skills

    Learning a language is a process. But if you develop good habits and learn what works, you can keep learning forever. That's what you'll learn here: how to learn so that you can be independent for the rest of your life

Curious what our conversation classes look like?

Watch one of our classes here from our SDLP

The Self-directed Learning Portal (SDLP) is included in the package. It's our app for language learners to interact with teachers and students from all over the world. 

Meet your Teachers

Leo, Mike, and Andrew guide you in your learning

Andrew Woodbury

In his career, Andrew has worked as a language instructor, teacher trainer, and director of studies. Over that time, he has delivered a wide variety of courses both in Canada and abroad. He started teaching in Costa Rica, where he lived and worked for over three years. In his time there, he delivered business-English and teacher-training courses, and would later become the director of studies of two separate institutions. In Canada, he has worked at a variety of language schools, colleges, and universities teaching EAP Foundation Courses and continuing his teacher-training responsibilities. When he is not teaching, Andrew loves travelling, reading, and pretending that he’s a writer.

Leo Gomez

My name is Leo Gomez and I’m the CVO and a founding member of Learn YOUR English. I have devoted my life exclusively to education and a substantial portion of my work in English Language Teaching has involved, teaching, educating, and developing language teachers both in pre- and in-service capacities. I have an MA in TEFL and Corpus Linguistics (University of Birmingham) and a Delta (Cambridge University). My research interests include humanistic education, philosophy of education, psychology of learning, critical pedagogy, task-based learning, podcasting as a tool for development, and learner-centered education. Leo’s 20+ years of teaching experience overseas include 6 countries and a broad spectrum of classes, ranging from general English, exam English, ESP, to teacher education courses; the last 6 years of my teaching have been devoted solely to English for Academic Purposes at universities and colleges in Canada.. As an EAP instructor, I employed my experience with data-driven learning and task-based education to promote agency, awareness, and authenticity in the learning process. Leo has developed a process for growing audiences and building authority, both from his work with universities and colleges and @Teachertalkingtime podcast interviews with leading thinkers, such as Scott Thornbury, Jane Willis, Patsy Lightbown, Susan Hunston, and more. I am excited to have you on this journey with us!

Michael Landry

Mike has worked as a language instructor, teacher trainer, and director of studies in East Asia and Canada. Mike began his ELT career in South Korea as a business-English, exam preparation (TOEFL/IELTS), and EAP instructor. He then moved on to China and Japan where he assumed a variety of ESL teaching and administrative roles. Since returning to Canada, he has taught EAP at universities and continues to develop curriculum for a variety of English language programs. He has also served of provincial and national professional bodies. In addition to his ELT interests, Mike enjoys being outdoors and taking in some sports.

What you will learn

This master package covers many aspects of your English learning

  • IELTS Writing

  • IELTS Speaking

  • Conversation Skills

  • Weekly Conversation Classes with Teachers

  • Discussion Board Community with other Students

  • Video and Audio Supported Exercises

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Ready to Get Started?

Stop Waiting. Start your Learning Journey Today

The LYE Self-study Master Package allows you to learn in your own way, on your own time, and to speak with people around the world. Achieve your goals faster and learn transferable skills to take with you for the rest of your life.